Alejandro José Uría

Module 3, office 516
C/ Francisco Tomás y Valiente, 7
28049, Madrid, Spain
I am a Ph.D. student in condensed matter theory at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, advised by Juan José Palacios. Currently, one of my research interests is the topological characterization of disordered materials via analytical techniques and machine learning. The other one is quantum few-body physics and its relation with the optical absorption spectrum of solids. More generally, I am interested in scientific computation, software development and the application of artificial intelligence to physics. In this regard, I have developed software packages and libraries for my research topics, which are freely available.

Before I started my Ph.D., I worked as a R&D engineer for ArcelorMittal, where I focused on 3d printing process automatization and physical simulations of alloys. My background is that of Physics and Mathematics, although I have been doing some tinkering with computers from a young age. My undergrad thesis was also about topological insulators, under the supervision of Jaime Ferrer.

As a hobbyist, unexpectedly I am into any technological-looking topic. I used to fly racing drones, and was looking to get into aeromodelling. This also spreads to my readings, since I particularly enjoy sci-fi, together with fantasy books. As for more outdoor activities, I dig freediving and hiking, or drinking some cider.


Nov 1, 2022

Website inauguration.